Related Questions:
Connecting Outlook
Approval required
Administrator approval Required
Users may get the following notifications when trying to authenticate with Office 365 / Outlook when connecting their calendar to the RIVS platform.
How an Admin can give permissions
The admin will need to create a new session and sign into the application as an admin user to grant permission.
To adjust the Need Admin Approval:
Go to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
Go to Enterprise applications > User settings.
There are two settings that control the authentication for the user.
Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf
Users can consent to app accessing company data for groups they own
Toggle both to yes if you want users to authenticate themselves or toggle both to no to require administrative permission.
Request admin consent:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a Global Administrator.
2. Enterprise Applications > User settings' page
2. enable "Users can request admin consent to apps they are unable to consent to"
3. register some trusted user who has an email inbox as a reviewer by pressing the "+ Add users" button.
4. press save.

Approval Required
Depending on the authorization given by the Microsoft Admin, the below notification may appear

When you reach the "need admin approval" page, the user will need to request approval.
Microsoft will send an email to the admin for the request - they'll need to press 'approve' in the email sent by Microsoft - this has now approved the user to connect to Event Temple
In Event Temple, the user will need to re-sign into your email as you previously did and it will work now that they now have admin approval.
Additional Information
See this article from Microsoft for further details. If you are still having troubles, please reach out to your relevant IT department, or Microsoft directly to ensure there are no other security settings that need updating.