interviewstream support
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Is it possible to select which recording I can submit if I have more than one attempt on my On-Demand video interview question(s)?
When taking an On-Demand video interview, your prospective employer may provide you one or more attempts per question. This feature is designed to help candidates feel comfortable should something...
Hosting and Security Information
Please visit our Training Site for more information. Training Site: Hosting and Security Information IP Addresses to Allow Please refer to our IP Address Allow-Lists for all firewall and email IP...
Email Spam Filtering Allow-list
RIVS/InterviewStream will need to access the following DNS names / IP addresses on one of the below-listed TCP ports. If your System Administrator implements extensive access blocking (via firewall...
Firewall Allowlist
interviewstream (RIVS) will need to access the following DNS names / IP addresses on one of the below-listed TCP ports. If your System Administrator implements extensive access blocking (via firew...
View our latest release notes
CLICK HERE to review our Product Release Notes.
When does my interview expire?
Click on the link that is in the email invitation and the expiration date/time will be displayed on the page.
What do I do if I see this message: "...we are processing your recording..."
Purpose: Intended to help RIVS Users with a Login when encountering alerts. After an interview is completed the system is working on re-encoding the responses. During this time you may see the m...
How do I delete a rating in the interviewstream platform?
Unfortunately, at this time you are not able to delete a rating in interviewstream or in the user interface.
I have recently completed an interview. What is the next step in the process?
The inviting company will review your completed digital interview and will contact you directly with the next steps. Please note that the original invitation may contain additional information. ...
Learn how to determine the priority of your request/issue
We want to make sure we are providing you with the attention your request deserves. To ensure we do so, it is important we know the impact of the issue you are experiencing. Below is the list of t...